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Carson Herlean at The Money Multiplier
Money Mentor

Carson Herlean

Carson is on a mission to teach the newest generation how money really works! We are taught our whole lives to give up control of our money, time, and freedom to others. He is a living testament of how we can break that pattern and take back control.

He spends most of his time learning and educating himself through doing. He is a big advocate for taking action and not waiting for, but seeking opportunities! Carson has a couple of real estate companies and investment funds and he finances everything through his bank!

Although this seems to be Carson’s passion, he’ll tell you, his wife is more important than everything. His wife, Anna, and him are living in Southern California in a little beach town called Dana Point. They spend a lot of time traveling the world, playing on the beach, and being with friends and family. Follow them on social media to watch their life and business ventures!

The Money Multiplier explains uninterrupted compound interest
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