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Linus Nolt at The Money Multiplier
Application Specialist

Linus Nolt

I've been studying infinite banking since late 2020, and using it since mid 2021. Having seen how powerful the concept is, and what it has allowed me to accomplish, I have a passion to help others with it and love doing so alongside the great people here at The Money Multiplier. Future goals include more passive income streams, traveling, and more time to spend with family and helping others.

I have a great wife and three beautiful little daughters. We live in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, and have some rental property, as well as e-commerce and consulting businesses. We both came from Amish and Mennonite religions, but have now been set free through salvation in Jesus Christ. I grew up in the custom meat processing industry, became an expert in it, and exited in 2022, plus I'm a handyman in almost anything else. I look forward to talking with you!

The Money Multiplier explains uninterrupted compound interest
The Money Multiplier

Learn more about the magic of being your own banker

We’ll treat you like family.
(Seriously! Our own family goes through this same process!)

We hate complicated financial jargon, so we don’t use it.

And we don’t think sharing what we know should cost you anything, so we don’t charge you, ever.

And if you’re not happy with your banking system, we’ll make it right.

We’re here to educate, not sell. And we truly love what we do. So much so that all of our money mentors personally practice “The Method."

You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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