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A Millionaire’s Memorial

A Millionaire’s Memorial

American summer vacation has always been launched with Memorial Day Weekend. It’s a part of what makes us who we are. Turning our attention to the service men and women who gave everything on the battlefield to protect our freedom is a powerful picture to reflect on every year.

God bless our troops who have put themselves in harm’s way!

As we close out May, we couldn’t help but think about another legacy that our founder Brent Kesler envisioned for himself and all families who adopt The Method of The Money Multiplier. We are on a mission to change people’s financial lives with what we do! What legacy are we really leaving behind by restructuring our current way of thinking with the principles uncovered by R. Nelson Nash in The Infinite Banking Concept™, and adopted by The Money Multiplier mentors and the families they reach?

Here are a couple of ways your legacy will be sealed.

  • A Wealthy Mindset – Many families come to us having a lack mindset. They grew up hearing things were “expensive,” and phrases like “money doesn’t grow on trees.” Knowing that you’re always going to recycle and recapture all your dollars within The Method, your family will always know that “abundance” is the new normal.
  • Family Communication – Consider a world where talk of money isn’t taboo. – So many families consider “money” a four-letter word. We have found so many couples growing closer together as they eliminate debt and work together. Sometimes, utilizing The Method is the first time a marriage has even had a financial plan!
  • Tax Free Inheritance – Due to the fact that the machine we use to grow our wealth is a whole life insurance policy, there will always be a death benefit associated with our cash. So, one day when you “graduate,” and pass on, your wealth with also pass on. Your beneficiaries will skip probate, the court, and any government interference with your transfer of wealth.
  • Generational Shift – if you weren’t a millionaire before, you are well on your way! The Money Multiplier is helping break the bonds of financial slavery that people don’t even know they’re in. When you are memorialized for your children’s children, the rumor will be that you helped change everything for your posterity.

Freedom is not free. Whether we are talking about our national freedoms that were won or lost by lives on the battlefield, or we are thinking about financial freedom from debt and interest, we, take time now to reflect and give thanks. We understand that serving in our Armed Forces against enemies home and abroad is a different kind of battle, and we humbly respect what those heroes have done. Our mentors at the Money Multiplier pause and give thanks to those who have gone before us to lay the path that allows us all to reach our dreams. Happy Memorial Day!

When you’re ready to get started on creating your financial legacy or if you have more questions, most questions can be answered by watching this video. Start there and then schedule a consult with my team when you’re ready to begin.


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