Got debt? Then, get this!
What do you think when you hear the word, “debt?”
If you’re like most Americans, “debt” is usually associated with a negative feeling, a feeling of hopelessness or depression. It’s not something anyone wants to have, but regardless, many of us have it.
According to an article published by Debt.org, American household debt hit a record $13.21 trillion in 2018. And even though that debt is shared by nearly 300 million Americans, those in debt make up about 80% of the American population.
Scary numbers there!
What’s even scarier is the impact that debt can have on one’s quality of life. The amount of debt you have, when considered with a few other factors such as debt-to-income ratio, education, and earning potential, can determine things such as:
- where you live,
- what you drive,
- where your kids go to school,
- what kind of vacations you go on (if any),
- your time and freedom,
- and the rest of your entire life.
It’s a serious issue that only seems to be getting worse as the years progress. And for some, it’s not enough to just budget an extra $20-$50 per month towards paying down those debts. That’s where the increase in debt relief programs seems to be coming from. To many people, it’s the only way.
Or is it?
Car loans, student debt, credit card debt, and mortgages can all be paid off using one simple concept, and I’m not talking debt relief programs. Heck, you can even use this alternative concept for your day-to-day purchases if you don’t have any debt. And before you worry yourself about all the time you don’t have to devote to one more thing, or all the money you don’t have to be pouring into another “get debt-free” scheme, let me assure you, this method does not require you to work any longer or any harder, and it doesn’t require you to take on any more risk.
This concept is called Infinite Banking and it’s been around for over 200 years.
Many famous people, like Ray Kroc (McDonald’s) and Walt Disney (Disneyland), got their start using this concept, but they certainly were not the only ones. Infinite Banking has allowed countless people the freedom of getting out of debt in far less time than most people think possible.
And when I say “debt,” I mean any amount of debt. Whether you have $5,000 in debt or $500,000 in debt (or more) this can help you.
For example, there was a case study done on a man who utilized the concept of Infinite Banking to pay off nearly $1 million dollars in debt in under 7 years, and, if done right, these results are not atypical.
It can truly change lives, yours included, which is why the secret needs to get out.
When you’re ready to get started on creating your financial legacy or if you have more questions, most questions can be answered by watching this video. Start there and then schedule a consult with my team when you’re ready to begin.