The (Bad) Spend Trend
Einstein once said, ““Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” And when someone with a brain that powerful and with knowledge that brilliant tells me to pay attention, guess what I’m going to do–pay attention!
What he’s really saying is this: There is more to spending and earning money than meets the eye. We are taught (wrong) to think about money one way: Money is necessary to live. You must work to earn it, only to spend it on things you need. But once that money is spent, it’s gone forever, right?
It doesn’t have to be. Not with The Money Multiplier Method at work.
Robert Kiyosaki, mentor to the millionaires and author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, has explained one crucial difference between the rich and the poor. He says, “The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.” Kiyosaki points out that the poor spend their hard earned money on expenses and liabilities, things that take money out of their pockets. The rich and the wealthy, rather, spend money on assets and things that bring them more money.
That’s what The Money Multiplier is. It’s a machine, or a process, that keeps your money in your pocket. The first rule of the wealthy that most people aren’t taught is that to be wealthy, you must buy assets first.
Here is what you’re doing: You have $1 in your pocket. Traditional financial knowledge tells you to spend that $1 on something you need and work for another dollar to spend on something else you need.
Here is what you should be doing instead: You have $1 in your pocket. You use that $1 on a contract that guarantees you 4% growth each year. And that 4% growth ensures that you can watch your money grow while still using it on what you need and leaving it to your family all at the same time. This is how true wealth is acquired. And this is exactly how The Money Multiplier operates.
It gives you a real place to put your money, guaranteeing at least 4% growth, while still having access to that money and creating generational wealth.
The Money Multiplier is an asset.When used as recommended, it can bring you lasting wealth without changing your cash flow, requiring you to work any harder, taking on any additional risk, or losing control of your finances.
It’s what the wealthy use and have been using for over 200 years. Maybe it’s time you saw what it can do for you, too.
To learn more about this method and what it can do for you, please visit www.TheMoneyMultiplier.com , scroll to the very bottom and click on “Member Area.” Enter the password “bankwithbrent” and watch the presentation that appears on the next page.
When you’re ready to get started on creating your financial legacy or if you have more questions, most questions can be answered by watching this video. Start there and then schedule a consult with my team when you’re ready to begin.