If you simply mimic the basics of banking, and you learn how to leverage money the way they do, you’ll be able to maximize the growth and potential of your banking system.
When was the last time you penned a Christmas wish list for Santa? Regardless of your age, there's a magic in believing, a nostalgia for the time when Santa represented more than just a myth. What if, by suspending disbelief, you could infuse some...
The Money Multiplier team is here to assist in getting started with the infinite banking concept. If you are ready to become your own banker, get started with The Money Multiplier today.
Greetings Parents and Future Parents,
Welcome to an article tailored to provide you with an effective solution on how to best support your children in becoming their ultimate selves. Our journey encompasses education, which often includes...
The most important step in becoming your own banker is the decision to get started.
The most important step in becoming your own banker is the decision to get started.
Searching for a way to multiply your money?
Looking to amplify your financial resources? Access our Money Multiplier Calculator for an accelerated path to wealth expansion.
Frequently, when I interact with individuals or provide them with my...
Teaching Kids Money Literacy and IBC Principles: Building Financial Independence
With 95% of Americans reaching retirement age without financial independence, we are at a critical financial tipping point. Our children stand to gain the most by...
When I meet people across the country, they usually see me and ask what I do for a living. I go into depth about my business and they come out to say, “Oh... you’re the money coach!” Well, I want to tell you a little more about me, and why I do...
What have you been taught about money? More importantly, who has been the provider of your financial education? We’ve all been sold a story about money. It starts young, in school, when we’re taught to work hard, save diligently, and trust the...
It really burns my biscuits when I hear people say, “I don't want to start a policy yet because of the Coronavirus. I am not sure where the economy is going to go.” And the reason why this gets me so heated is no secret. Let’s be honest. Many...