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A Certificate of Deposit or a Banking Policy?

You’ve probably heard of a Certificate of Deposit or CD before. They are issued by banks and they have guaranteed interest rates. They allow you to earn a fixed interest rate on your money. Sounds a lot like these specially designed and engineered...

Application Steps

“Plan for what is difficult when it is easy…” Sun Tzu When you decide to start a life insurance policy and become a Money Multiplier Member, there is a simple process that follows. This post outlines how you can be better prepared and make the process...

Base vs. PUA: What do I need to know?

During your over-the-phone strategy session with your Money Mentor, you will decide the total premium you want to put into your banking policy. That total premium is made up of two parts, Base Premium and Paid Up Additions, or PUA. Let me explain...

Build Your Christmas Wish List With The Money Multiplier

When was the last time you penned a Christmas wish list for Santa? Regardless of your age, there's a magic in believing, a nostalgia for the time when Santa represented more than just a myth. What if, by suspending disbelief, you could infuse some...

Can I have multiple policies?

Some people think that when you have a life insurance policy that you’ll have to set it up for the exact amount that you want. They believe one policy is all you’ll ever be able to have. But this is not true at all. In fact, most of our members have...

Dear Dad…

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! We would never argue with Dad, would we? Dad taught many of us how to tie our shoes, ride a bike, and worked hard to provide for the family. But, most of the dads out there just didn’t know what we teach about money. Due to the...

Differences Between a Policy Loan and Withdrawal

I know many people have had the concern when it comes to taking a loan from their policy. Typically, loans have a bad connotation. But that is because taking a loan from your neighborhood bank ends up losing you money. Taking a loan from your policy,...

Grow Your Policy After Year 1

Want to grow your policy faster? While there are rules about overfunding in year one of your banking policy that you’ll want to follow, this article will be focused on what happens if you want to add additional PUA (Paid Up Additions) after year one....

How Banking Policy Dividends Work

There are four basic options for collecting or using your dividends. We are working with mutual companies, remember? And when your company does well, meaning they actually over-collect premiums from you that year, they return the premium to you in...

How soon can you access your cash value?

It can be a bit of a process to get a life insurance policy and begin to access your cash value. There are many steps you need to complete, from the application phone call, to the medical exam, to underwriting, and final review of your contract. It...

Indexed Universal Life Insurance: Reasons to be wary

Let's talk about Indexed Universal Life (IUL). What if I told you there was a relatively new life insurance product? And this product lets you share in a portion of the gains of the stock market in those years it goes up. It also protects you from...

My available cash value seems too low

Over the years I've gotten several panicked calls from clients wondering why their available cash value is significantly lower than they thought it would be. I get it! Something like that can be alarming. You start asking yourself, “Did I make a mistake?”...

Paid Up Additions: What are they?

A big piece of the engineering of your policy is a rider called “Paid Up Additions,” or PUA. When we engineer your policy, this option, or rider, that we select is part of the “secret sauce” to making your banking policy work for you. Paid Up Additions...

Premiums: How Much and For How Long

Let’s talk about premiums, because, let’s face it, no one likes to pay them. But what if you began to look at them like deposits instead of payments? With The Money Multiplier Method, that’s really what they are. How much does my premium (or deposit)...

Starting a second policy with IBC

You may have heard me mention “starting your second policy” or “taking out multiple policies over the years.” And you’re probably wondering what that’s all about, right? “Why would I need a second policy?” “Are there any advantages/disadvantages to...

The All-Powerful Trifecta

There is an all-powerful trinity to every banking policy. No, we don’t mean “me, myself, and I,” either. For this post, we just want to remind you about the three persons that make a banking policy contract work from start to finish. Let’s talk about...

The coming changes to Life Insurance

You may have been hearing a lot of talk about upcoming changes to life insurance products across the entire insurance industry. We don’t yet have a lot of firm answers as to what this will look like for our members and IBC as a whole. But we do have...

Understanding your role in the IBC system

Do you know what your role is within your banking policy? There are three roles within every single banking policy you must understand. They are: The Policyowner The Insured The Beneficiary The policyowner This individual is the one who has complete...

What about my term insurance?

We get a ton of questions about term insurance. It’s a popular subject in the personal finance space. “Should I keep my term insurance?” “Should I buy some term?” And my answer is, “That depends.” Term insurance is a great life insurance policy. Many...

What are these riders on my policy?

You may have noticed there’s additional riders attached to your policy. These riders are attached to your policy simply because they are free of charge. You do not pay anything for these riders. And they are largely beneficial to you, as the insured...

What if I’m Uninsurable?

We have good news for you even if you are uninsurable and see the value in the Money Multiplier Method (TMM). You can still purchase a policy on another family member: a child, spouse, grandchild, nephew, brother/sister or parent. You may also purchase...

When Should I Buy a Policy on my Children?

When building a banking portfolio, the more policies you have, the better. So I encourage buying policies on the children. However, the first goal is to have policies on each parent before adding policies on the children. The main reason for this is...

Which Insurance Company Should You Choose?

There are a ton of life insurance companies out there. So which one is the right one for you? Fortunately, our team at The Money Multiplier puts you in the best position of having the right companies backing your banking policy. We know that one size...

Which Life Insurance is best for Banking and Why?

In the world of life insurances there are two basic types: permanent and term. However, within those two basics, there are several hybrids of policies sold in today’s marketplace and are used as investment strategies. Here are the basic types, and...

Who else can I insure besides myself?

Most people think the only person they can insure is themselves. But I’m here to tell you there is another option you may have missed. Who can you insure other than yourself? You can insure anyone you have a vested interest in. This could be your spouse,...

Why we use non-direct insurance companies

Playing the long game with The Money Multiplier pays dividends, and a lot of them. We’re talking direct recognition vs non-direct recognition companies and how they affect your dividend money. Remember: A dividend is like a bonus that the insurance...

Will I have to pay taxes on my policy loans?

Will you have to pay taxes on your policy? Great question, I'm glad you asked. The Money Multiplier Method is all about growing wealth without giving up control. With policy contracts, we can kick Uncle Sam to the curb. Having money that the IRS can’t...

You can “Overfund” your Policy

In a typical policy, we will settle on what your premium deposit should be for the first five years. This premium deposit will include a paid up additions rider that accelerates the growth of the policy. In year six, you will then pay roughly forty...

Your Dividends: The Fine Print

Your dividend is a big part of your policy. They may not be part of the guaranteed interest calculated into the growth of your policy. However, they do add a lot of value and growth to your cash value. So it’s beneficial for you to understand their...

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